issue 64

Cover Art: Milkweed, by Milo Davis

Will you still need me, will you still read me, when I’m 64?

We sure hope so! Please drop whatever you’re doing (we hope it was unimportant) and start reading what we’ve put together here.

This issue is specially long at 20 stories because life’s too short not to publish outstanding work when we see it. 


a parting scene between sisters involving Orion and a mad dad

what might have happened if I’d never met you

Abuja turns out not to be the city of dreams

dealing with a parent who eats others’ words

visions after a plane crash and an avalanche

how to cope with an unstoppable toilet

wooing a member of a motorcycle gang

an unpleasant dinner at the boss’s house

a man who buys two ghosts at an auction

a woman flummoxed by raccoons, pregnancy, and life in general

losing a piano-playing mother bit by bit

a deep freezer doubles as a hiding place for two

hiking down to the beach with some vodka and Spam

vengeance visited on a pack of belligerent boys

what it means to put down a horse

love that hurts when you’re fifteen

an elegant but tough meal—and partner—to stomach

regrets over not taking care of the bodies in the basement

a town way above average in mostly good ways

two sisters who create a world

an interview with a flash fictioneer who was trained as a scientist

a review of the microfiction anthology that people wait all year for

David Galef
Editor in chief
Vestal Review


If I’d Never Met You by Daniel Addercouth

Communio Sanctorum by Steve Almond

Racing Form by Brett Biebel

Looking Out by Melissa Llanes Brownlee

Fox by K-Ming Chang

He Loved Her Like an Open Wound by Tommy Dean

Concerto by JD DeLuzio

Wooing by Sean Ennis

The Bottled Ghosts by Gary Fincke

Gem City by Shauna Friesen

Chest Freezer by Julia F. Green

Prix Fixe by Sarah Sugiyama Issever

For All His Promises by Belinda Kein

Claw by Kim Magowan

Round Raccoons by Taylor Miles-Behrens

Opportunistic Feeders by Shira Musicant

A Place of Dreams by Zainab Omaki

Lately by Adam Peterson

Invisible Arrows by Meg Pokrass

Stats by Scott Pomfret

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