issue 43
March: lions and lambs. Mysteries that rise, peek, slither, creep to the surface amid the wind and the rain and rag-tag, dying flurries of snow. The steamy, bluesy remnants of a long, hard winter, not quite ready to commit to the inconstant sun.
The stories in this issue of VR are very March: Scar Tissue; The Missing Girl-mysterious, a bit strange. The baffled steam of The InBetween Girl; Soft; Whores. The blues riffs licking at To Send, wailing through Dream Twins. Red Bird-more wounded lion than avis. Only when we reach Retaining Wall do we get a glimpse of the lamb, shaking herself free from a 20-year winter of What If in the harsh new sunlight of...Social Media.
It's quite the mix. Nuanced, shadow-haunted. Edgy. Weird.
We love it.
We think you will, too.
Happy? March.
Scar Tissue, by Amanda Gain
The InBetween Girl, by Libby Cudmore
Soft, by Michael Don
Retaining Wall, by Ann Lightcap Bruno
The Red Bird, by James Valvis
To Send, by Curtis VanDonkelaar
The Missing Girl, by Jacqueline Doyle
Dream Twins, by Dean Marshall Tuck
Whores, by Susan Tepper