issue 36
Summer's wrapping up, but we're still getting hot here at Vestal Review. In this web issue, we get steamy with sexy Mateo in Liz Prato's Like Butterflies or Fireflies. We're hot-tempered with Pamela Gay's The Angry Woman.
Annie Cardi is also featured in this issue with Where Does the Mind Go? In this story, we find ourselves in the narrator's head at a crucial moment in life. Finally, Sari Edelstein comes to terms with who her mother wasn't in This Woman Was a Reader.
We're also excited to feature several questions from our discussion on flash fiction with Stuart Dybek, Author of I Sailed with Magellan, a novel-in-stories, The Coast of Chicago: Stories, and Childhood and Other Neighborhoods. Stuart has just returned from Prague, where he has been teaching and he graciously shares his views on compression in prose. A full-length version of our discussion will be available in our upcoming print edition.
—MaryAnne McCollister
The Angry Woman, by Pamela Gay
Where Does the Mind Go?, by Annie Cardi
This Woman Was A Reader, by Sari Edelstein
Like Butterflies or Fireflies, by Liz Prato
Charles Osborne and His Childhood Companion, by Claire Rudy Foster*
Breast, by Lacey Jane Henson*
Eyes With No Promise, by Joe Ponepinto*
The Virgin Forest, by T. L. Sherwood*
Nothing but the Rain, by Janet Shell Anderson*
*Story only available in print edition.