issue 34

Welcome to Web Issue 34 of Vestal Review. In this online issue, we're bringing you three quirky little tomes which feature characters who are, or need to be, letting go.

From a seaside goodbye in My Pacific to the loss of objects desired by others in Missing, the characters who find themselves in our pages are saying goodbye to their belongings, loved ones and lovers. In An Ugly Man, our protagonist trades in a pompous friend for a grounded one, who happens to be ugly on the outside.

In our print issue, you will read of a father and daughter's ethereal journey in Homecoming, a story about a burned girl in The Girl Alone in Her Room, and a story of growing up before you're ready in What You Tell your Therapist When He Asks You Why You Have Panic Attacks. Also, we add all the stories from the Web issue 33.

Grab a moment, that's all it takes, and enjoy these little charms.

—MaryAnne McCollister


Missing, by Marcia Aldrich

What You Tell Your Therapist When He Asks Why You Have Panic Attacks, by Tammy Guzman

The Homecoming, by Kyle Hemmings

My Pacific, by Ladisa Quintanilla

An Ugly Man, by Ana Marcela Fuentes

The Girl Alone in Her Room, by Alissa Nutting