issue 30

Dear Reader,

Beginning with this issue, our Web and print editions have stopped being identical twins. We are going to a new format, printing more stories per issue and switching to a perfect bound copy. Web issue 30 is only a preview of what is coming in the print issue. This preview includes stories of memories, of a novel use for water, of a family quarrel through a baby's eyes, and finally, the incredible adventures of a kissing woman. The print issue includes all of these and more. Please subscribe to discover these flashing gems. Have a great summer.

Mark Budman


Aunt Germaine by Yannick Murphy

Four Hard Facts About Water by Damian Dressick

Colors Shift and Fade by Tania Hershman

Still Life with Weeds by Lincoln Michel

Keeping Secrets by Andrei Guruianu

Spring Cleaning by Charles D. Phillips

He Waits, Wants by Sarah Layden

The Kissing Booth by Katie Williams

Send the Bodies Home by Ross White